James is a Trustee at ECT and currently deputy head at West Lea Special School having begun his teaching career in 1982 at a secondary school in Camden Town. James then left the profession for a while to travel and run his own business before returning to the education sector.
James spent a number of years on the fringes of mainstream education working with secondary aged pupils who had been marginalised, usually through their behaviour, before moving to the London Borough of Enfield in 1993 where he has remained ever since in a variety of different roles.
James has been a teacher, a deputy head and head teacher, head of behaviour support, a local authority officer and for a short period of time was the acting director of education for Enfield before taking up his current role at West Lea.
Through all the trials and tribulations of his varied career, James always believed that together we are stronger and this mantra chimes acutely in these turbulent times. For James, ECT offers an opportunity for a group of like-minded individuals, who share the same vision and values, to unite and support young people, families and the wider community of Edmonton and Enfield to achieve their goals, both in their learning, but also in their life aspirations.
Company Number: 12413703
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