Authentic Advocacy

At ECT, we believe in speaking up for those whose voices are often unheard. We listen to Enfield’s young people, consult widely and speak persuasively to influence and shape opportunities for them.

Together, ECT aims to:

  • Understand what matters to Enfield’s young people and advocate for them
  • Influence local and national politicians and policy makers to deliver improvements that benefit students
  • Raise the profile of the Trust and promote the successes our young people achieve.

To do this, the Trust is establishing a representative council made up of young people so that we can gather their thoughts and views, then work with them to communicate to influential decision-makers and create meaningful change.

Following our launch event, we have also started to make some good connections with politicians and local stakeholders who believe in our mission and want to spread the word on all the good work we’re delivering. Watch this space for more information on this later in the year!

The more advocates we have, the more impactful our cause will be.