Enfield County School for Girls joins Enterprise Cooperative Trust to further strengthen community ties

Enfield County School for Girls in Enfield will join the Enterprise Cooperative Trust (ECT) as a partner to strengthen its ties to the local community and build on the opportunities already offered to students. ECT – a network of schools and organisations in the Borough – supports children in Enfield to access the best life opportunities, skills and work experience to set them up for success.

This new partnership furthers Enfield County School for Girls’ mission to enable all its students to achieve socially, academically, personally and creatively. The additional opportunities gained through this partnership will enhance Enfield County’s ability to support every student develop the self-discipline, knowledge and skills to become responsible global citizens.

Having officially joined ECT from September 2024, the school will bring its own rich history, values and connections to the Trust, whilst allowing both staff and students to access the benefits and opportunities the Trust provides for the Borough. With a commitment to fostering a supportive and inclusive learning environment, Enfield County’s values closely align with the aims of ECT.

Enfield County will remain an autonomous school but the partnership with ECT will grant students access to wider work experience initiatives, training for staff, and further opportunities for local collaboration and enrichment. Similarly, ECT will benefit from the school’s best practice and decades of experience gained since its founding in 1909.

Jennifer Gumbrell, headteacher at Enfield County School for Girls, said:

“Joining the Trust is an exciting step in our ECSfG journey of collaboration with the wider community of Enfield; identifying opportunities for us to contribute to, work alongside and benefit from shared vision and ethos for our students.”

Since its inception in 2019, ECT’s membership has grown significantly, with current members including West Lea School (the founders); the College of Haringey, Enfield, and North East London (CONEL); Laurel Park School; theatre company, Chickenshed; Enfield Council; Learning for Life Charity; Co-Op Retail and the Co-operative Schools Network. The Trust also works closely with Compass Group UK and Ireland. The Trust has provided work experience for students including running a coffee cart and upcycling furniture, as well as working in charity shops and warehouses. It has also focused on improving key skills like confidence, self-belief and communication through workshops and immersive theatre experiences.

Janet Leach, Chair of ECT, said:

“On behalf of the Trust I would like to extend a very warm welcome to Enfield County School for Girls. We are delighted to have them on board, as their values align perfectly with those of the Trust.

 I am confident going forward that our growing partnerships will continue to be mutually productive and our students will benefit from the ensuing synergies and collaborative working.”